04053 Украина, Киев,
Сечевых Стрельцов, 40-А

(099) 302 16 61
(096) 802 16 61

рус Eng

The East European Centre of Personnel Security

The East European Centre of Personnel Security is a modern and competitive company, has extensive experience in its field with a focus on the European service market. Its structure includes a company - the Ukrainian Bureau of Psychophysiological Research and Security, established in 2007 and focused on the domestic market. The Polygraph Training School as a education center of the company exist since 2011. We have been confidently on the market of providing special services, offer a broad range of polygraph tests for more than 10 years, and has a leading position within this segment of the market.

For the moment, the East European Centre of Personnel Security is the most authoritative European professional structure, specializing in conducting private independent investigations, providing business personnel security using the full range of polygraph testing opportunities. Since 2011 year the structure of the company include a polygraph training school, where, according to international standards, more than 100 highly qualified and competitive specialists have been trained for government departments, private structures of Ukraine and a number of foreign countries.

Our company and the majority of employees have awards and gratitudes of different levels - from the Minister of Defense of Ukraine; from Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine; from Rector of the National Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine; also from heads of holdings and small private companies. In addition, in 2016 our professional activity was marked by a letter of thanks of the regional director U.S. Department of Justice Criminal Division International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) Ukrainian office for participating in anti-corruption activities in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The number of employees is 4 professional polygraph experts and 2 consultants in the different fields. Each employee of our company has received special polygraph training program, has excellent skills of speech and behavior analytics, regularly attends refresher courses and participates in international seminars on professional subjects. The company is successfully developing and our employees are in demand both in Ukraine and in other countries. Each member of our staff has a strong background and great experience of life in conducting the corporate arrangements for complex business security aimed at the prevention, detection and neutralization of economic threats and personnel risks.


  • Founder and General Director of group of companies, Vice-president of Ukrainian Polygraph Collegium (2013-2016), expert polygraph examiner - Igor Usikov.
  • The head of the technical department, expert polygraph examiner, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences - Viktor Yakovlev.
  • Expert polygraph examiner, specializing in private investigations and forensic examination - Grygorii Sviatenko.
  • Scientific consultant, Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of Ukraine - Aleksander Motliakh.
  • Chief manager of the company and Consultant on organization of complex business security - Viktor Lobach.
  • The partner of the company, the expert polygraph examiner, candidate of Legal Sciences, the candidate of juridical sciences, the active member of the International Professional organization “American Polygraph Association” - Alekseyev Alexander (Kiev).
  • Partner-polygraph examiner, psychologist. Translator and consultant of our company on the cases of criminal adolescent psychology. She speaks 4 languages fluently - Ulviyya Hummatova (Azerbaijan, Baku).
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